This could be: “I’m not good enough”, “I don’t deserve”, And a myriad of other limiting beliefs stemming from these two.
How many times have you gone to do something… and a little voice in your head says, “Who are you kidding… you know you will fail”? Maybe it’s not a voice; maybe it’s an anxious feeling… Whatever it is, it stops you in your tracks, turns you round, and sends you back to your cave. We aren’t born with limiting beliefs… we acquire them on our way through life, and cliché as it sounds… usually when we are very young.
Someone might comment on you physically and mentally, and if that hurts you… boom! A limiting belief takes seed. I do talks to rooms of over 500 people, and when I ask them to think about their limiting belief, whatever it might be: “I’m not attractive enough”, “smart enough”, “good enough”… And I tell them about brain development and that by around 10 to twelve, we have taken on a lot of beliefs about our world and, more importantly, about their place or lack of in that world.
I then ask them how old that limiting belief is… 99.9% of the audience will give me an age under 12! Which means that throughout their day, they get hijacked by a 12-year-old who takes over their decision-making for them! My being a therapist as well as a trainer allows me to facilitate you recognising that and taking back control… Important… because who do you want making decisions in your company… an adult or a child?